Friday, September 20, 2024
9:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Students in the 8th grade have the opportunity to spend the day as a Crusader visiting academic departments and participating in classroom lessons with BC faculty and student representatives.
Registration is required; please complete the Registration Form below by September 16!
You do not need to register your student if they are attending with their entire 8th grade class.
Lunch will be provided by Bishop Canevin. Please make note of any dietary restrictions in the form below.
Some activities may be more hands-on, so students are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing. We ask that students do not wear sweatpants, leggings, athletic wear, hoodies or hats. Skirts must be an appropriate length (fingertip rule).
Unless students are attending with their entire 8th grade class, transportation will need to be provided to/from the event by parents and/or guardians.
Drop Off and Pick Up
Students should be dropped off and picked up at the registration table located at the front of the school.
Sorry. This form is no longer available.