Extra-curricular activities are an important part of a student’s school life. Bishop Canevin High School offers a broad and varied extra-curricular program, including activities of interest to almost every student. All students are strongly encouraged to participate in at least one of the activities listed below.
Moderator: Mrs. Charlotte Smith
The Bishop Canevin Academic Team participates in the KDKA Hometown High-Q television
show and also National Academic Quiz Tournaments held at the University of Pittsburgh,
Carnegie Mellon University and Duquesne University. They also sponsor the annual BC Junior
High Quiz Bowl each spring. Practice sessions are held regularly and all students are welcome to
try out for the team.
Moderator: Dr. Robert Hein
The group meets twice a month to discuss books from a variety of genres. Students have the
opportunity to meet authors and participate in reading and writing competitions, including the
English Festival at Duquesne University. In addition, members coordinate school activities that
promote literary awareness, including Teen Read Week and Poem in Your Pocket Day. [BC]2
members also assist with the annual Bishop Canevin Spirit Night and Book Fair where they
make their “Unofficial Summer Reading Guide” available.
Moderator: Mrs. Marguerite Miller
The BC Creative Writing Club brings together students of all writing abilities who have an
interest in creating fiction, nonfiction, scripts, and/or poetry. It provides a collaborative
workspace for members to write, share ideas, and provide feedback for each other’s work. The
club strives to connect students to professional writers and the great Pittsburgh writing
community as well as to opportunities for publication and performance. One of the club’s
events will include an annual virtual Coffeehouse Reading Series, which welcomes writers to
submit work for the chance to one of five featured readers. The virtual event will allow
students to share and enjoy their peers’ creative work and try out the open mic experience.
Whether you are a writer, reader, or listener we welcome you with open arms and blank pages.
Let’s fall in love with the written word together!
Moderator: Mr. Dave Ellis
The BCDC involves students in various media projects which include audio/video productions,
general technical support. The club assists with the technology needs of all school activities.
Students may also produce videos for school events. Furthermore, students will participate in
developing new media and technology projects for the benefit of the BC High School
community. Any student, regardless of media and technology experience, can join this club.
Moderator: Mr. Dale Checketts
The BCSN club gives students a tremendous opportunity to gain real world experience and
service hours! The club will be interviewing coaches and players, reporting, taking pictures, live
tweeting games, and more. BCSN will aim to support every team in the Athletic Department,
and you do not have to be an athlete or a fan of sports to get involved. Students will have the
opportunities to write game previews, game summaries, run the camera for a game, conduct
interviews, or even be part of the live broadcast as a commentator or play by play person.
The BCSN Club can provide valuable experience for future careers in
Cinema and Photography
Data Analytics
Graphic Design
Marketing & Management
Public Relations
Sport Management
TV / Sports Broadcasting and production
Moderator: Mr. Tim Wanamaker
The FBLA is a national organization of secondary school students enrolled in business and office
education programs. FBLA is an integral part of the business education program and is designed
to develop leadership abilities and competencies for business and office occupations. Members
learn how to engage in business enterprises; how to hold office and direct the affairs of the
group; how to work with representatives of other youth and adult organizations and how to
compete with other FBLA members on the local, regional, state and national levels.
Moderator: Mrs. Marguerite Miller
The LEONID, the school newspaper, is issued throughout the school year, and covers all current
aspects of school life, as well as editorials, reviews and special interest columns. Numerous
opportunities exist on the LEONID staff in the areas of reporting, writing, layout and other
phases of web-based newspaper publication. Students interested in working on the LEONID
staff are strongly urged to participate.
Moderator: Mr. Dave Casavale
Model United Nations is a simulation of the UN General Assembly and other multilateral
bodies. In Model UN, students step into the shoes of ambassadors from UN member states to
debate current issues on the organization’s agenda. While playing their roles as ambassadors,
student “delegates” make speeches, prepare draft resolutions, negotiate with allies and
adversaries, resolve conflicts, and navigate the Model UN conference rules of procedure – all in
the interest of mobilizing international cooperation to resolve problems that affect countries all
over the world.
Moderator: Mrs. Charlotte Smith
The MOSAIC is the school’s annual yearbook, providing complete photographic coverage of the
school year, its activities, faculty and student body. The book is produced in May with a
summer supplement being mailed in late June to all purchasers and is published by a student
editorial staff under the supervision of a moderator. The MOSAIC provides opportunities for
students to learn and exercise skills in composition, layout, editing, writing and photography,
and welcomes all students.
Moderator: Mr. Jon Schultz
The purpose of the Bishop Canevin Chapter of the National Honor Society is to stimulate high
scholarship, constructive leadership, meaningful service, and worthy character. The National
Honor Society brings the accomplishments of outstanding seniors to the attention of their
classmates, parents, communities, and the colleges that they plan to attend. Membership is
based on outstanding scholastic achievement (4.3 cumulative weight-point average or above
for the first five semesters), as well as exemplary character and positive leadership as evaluated
by the faculty and administration. Continued membership in the society is contingent upon the
student maintaining all of the standards which qualified him/her for admission.
Moderator: Mrs. Charlotte Smith
Oracle is Bishop Canevin High School’s Literary Magazine, which showcases the work of our
student writers and artists. The Oracle staff publishes online editions in the spring and fall
semesters featuring poetry, short stories, artwork, and photography from our school
community. Oracle offers students the opportunity to collaborate with their peers in a
workshop setting, to share their voice and vision through creative writing, and to compete in
local and national writing contests.
Moderator: Mrs. Linda McLemore
The Stem Club is designed to expose students to valuable STEM skills using robotics,
technology, and science. Members will participate in hands-on programming, mechanical
design, and problem-solving experiences and will compete in the FIRST (For Inspiration and
Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition.
Moderator: Mrs. Denise Streeter
Bishop Canevin’s Science Club engages students in events in the Greater Pittsburgh science
community such as the Carnegie Science Center and the laboratories of local universities. The
topics include environmental issues and current laboratory investigations. The Science Club
goes on field trips to attend lectures and perform experiments at local universities, providing an
opportunity to interact with professors and graduate students in the STEM fields. Members
have the option to participate in competitions including trivia challenges such as the
Southwestern Pennsylvania Science Bowl and science fairs such as Pennsylvania Junior
Academy of Science (PJAS) and Pittsburgh Regional Science and Engineering Fair (PRSEF). In
PJAS and PRSEF, students design, perform, and present independent experimental studies
within an area of their choosing: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, Psychology or
Computer Science. Science Club members receive one-on-one assistance in preparing for these
Moderator: Mrs. Charlotte Smith
The purpose of the Speech and Debate National Honor Society is to transform the lives of
students so that they become effective communicators and critical thinkers. We recognize
student participation throughout the year by having them participate in various speaking
categories which, in turn, can qualify them to both the state and national tournaments. Such
recognizable names as Oprah, Ted Turner, Brad Pitt and Renee Zellweger, just to name a few,
got their starts as student members of the National Speech and Debate Honor Society. Speech and
Debate students have a significant edge in college admissions as well as possibly qualifying
for scholarship money. Underperforming students show dramatic improvements by their
participation in speech competitions. Reading, listening, speech and writing skills are improved.
Speech creates enduring transformation in students which sets them on a path that can lead
them in amazing new directions. Come and discover how participation in speech gives students
the social and academic confidence they need to grow as individuals. The society is open to all
students in grades 9 thru 12.
Moderator: Mrs. Denise Streeter
The St. Ignatius Scholars program at Bishop Canevin High School enhances the school mission to
inspire students to lead lives “anchored in Faith, enlightened by Learning, and committed to the
promotion of Charity and Justice.” It exists for those exceptional students who have the ability
and desire to pursue excellence in their academic endeavors while embracing opportunities to
develop a greater appreciation for the wonder and glory of God’s creation.
The St. Ignatius Scholars Program will help form students who are ready and willing to critically
examine contemporary world problems, to confront the imperfect realities of the world, to
formulate a Christ-like mindset to serve others, and to explore solutions that reflect Gospel
values. Students are encouraged to seek opportunities through which they can live out the
words of St. Ignatius of Loyola to “Go forth and set the world on fire.”
Students accepted to the St. Ignatius Scholars Program will be part of a unique learning
community, challenging themselves to do all things Ad Majorem Dei Glorium — for the greater
glory of God. Scholars will partake in a rigorous academic curriculum, expand their horizons
through enrichment opportunities and exposure to engaging speakers, and take part in
discussions focusing on moral discernment, reflecting on how their Catholic faith dictates their
future actions.
Program Requirements:
Completion of a minimum of 15 credits in Honors or Advanced Placement (AP) level courses by the end
of the senior year.
Three years of world language studies at Bishop Canevin HS.
Maintenance of Honor Roll status each quarter throughout all four years of high school.
Exemplary conduct record.
Participation in SISP speaker series and outside enrichments followed by written reflections on these
Benefits of Participation in the St. Ignatius Scholars Program include:
The opportunity to engage in enrichment opportunities tailored to the students’ abilities, skills, andinterests. Recent SISP enrichment opportunities have included observation of open heart surgery andparticipation in a refuge simulation event.
Distinction with honor at BCHS awards ceremony, commencement, and baccalaureate mass.
An indication on the student’s official school transcript and diploma that they have participated in the
At the conclusion of their senior year, scholars make formal presentations to the Bishop
Canevin community, reflecting on how the program has impacted them over their four years of
high school and how they intend to apply what they have learned in their future endeavors.
Moderator: Mrs. Denise Streeter
Bishop Canevin’s BLAC (Black Leadership Advisory Council) serves as a safe space within which
Black students can connect, communicate, and express themselves. Through collaboration with Administration,
faculty, staff, and other student organizations, we seek to provide Black cultural perspectives and insight in
order to promote and maintain an environment that is inclusive, respectful, and affirming.
Moderator: Chris Westrick
Circle of Friends is a club that promotes increased socialization between students in the St.
Anthony Schools Program, and students at Bishop Canevin. Friendships form through activities
such as crafts, games, parties, and service projects. St. Anthony students also choose friends
from the group to participate in the Inclusive Games.
Moderator: Mrs. Maggie Jackson
Crusaders For Justice students are the advocates of social change within not only the Bishop
Canevin student body, but also their respective communities. Members bring awareness to
various civil issues such as poverty and hunger, and they begin initiatives to reform these
dilemmas. Events involving Crusaders For Justice focus on collaborating and supporting other
school organizations to perform works of service within the surrounding community.
Moderator: Mr. Mark Petrovich
The newly formed International Club is designed to increase students’ exposure to the
languages and customs of cultures from around the globe. Students will participate in meetings
in addition to regularly scheduled events such as Cultural Awareness week, field trips, and
sampling food from a variety of cultures. In order to join, students do not need to be currently
enrolled in a World Language course.
Moderator: Mrs. Charlotte Smith
Since 1919, the Junior Achievement program mission has been to educate and inspire young
people to value free enterprise and understand business and economics to improve the quality
of their lives. Bishop Canevin students teach the JA program at several elementary schools.
Students gain experience in presentation, time management, and interpersonal skills through a
supportive peer environment.
Moderator: Mr. David Casavale
The purpose of the Student Government is to foster and promote a culture of community at
Bishop Canevin by working in partnership with the administration, faculty, staff, and parents.
The Student Government will plan, organize, and sponsor a number of events, activities, and
projects within the Bishop Canevin community. All activities will be planned with the
consultation of the administration, faculty, and parents. Each homeroom will elect a
representative to the Student Government who will act as a line of communication between
students, administration, faculty, and the greater Canevin community.
Fine Arts Activities:
Moderator: Mrs. Karen Kennedy
The Art Club meets informally after school, one day a week, allowing students to work on
creating projects in different mediums of their choice. A large variety of materials are available
for the students to use. Students do not need to be currently enrolled in an art class to be a
member of the Art Club.
Moderator: Mrs. Charlotte Smith
The Photography Club is for those who wish to develop their photography skills by learning to
use a variety of cameras. Visiting speakers will periodically make presentations during the year.
Students’ photographs may be used by the Yearbook, the Alumni Department, or the school’s
literary magazine and will be displayed at the Diocesan Art Show and other local venues.
Moderator: Mr. Tony Tresky, Mr. Jon Schultz, and Mrs. Nina Midgley Kelman
Marching Crusaders: The Marching Crusaders perform at varsity football games, spirit
assemblies, and community events during the first semester of the school year. Rehearsals
begin in late June and run throughout the summer. The Musicians are players of brass,
woodwind, and percussion instruments as well as an electronic “pit” of keyboard, guitar, and
bass. Membership is through Director permission.
The Crusettes are young ladies who specialize in “Radio City Music Hall Rockettes” style dance
performance. Auditions are held during the fourth quarter of the preceding school year.
Moderator: Mr. Andy Folmer
The Spring Musical production involves three months of hard work and rehearsal. Students may
audition for ensemble, acting, singing, or dancing roles or they may join one of the many
backstage crews such as; stage crew, orchestra, lighting, sound and tech, makeup, tickets,
ushering, publicity or programming. The purpose of the school musical is to stimulate and
develop the artistic, musical and dramatic talents of the students.
Moderator: Mr. Tim Baker
This organization is designed to introduce students to the sport of fishing and to enhance the
experience of students with a fishing background. We welcome beginners to the sport. Among
the current members, there is a wide variety of skill levels.
There will be instruction and hands-on activities that allows members to learn the basics of
fishing, to practice and then reinforce what they learn. Members will then have the opportunity
to use what they learn to catch fish during any of the various fishing expeditions that may
occur. We offer on-stream instruction on various ways of fishing as well as techniques and safety.
Fishing trips will be taken to local streams or possibly to local rivers and lakes. Local trips may
take place after school or on a Saturday, with any longer trips happening on a Saturday. We
will take a school van for our fishing expeditions and all students would leave and be picked up
here at Bishop Canevin.
Moderator: Mrs. Linda McLemore
Adventure Club provides students the opportunity to explore indoor and outdoor sports and
activities, or to revisit some of their favorites! Some clubs trips take students to Point State
Park, Moraine State Park, Raccoon Creek State Park, and others throughout the year. Activities
can include indoor rock climbing, hiking, swimming, kayaking, and much more. In the winter
time the adventure club aims to provide students with a fun and safe skiing/snowboarding
experience at a reasonable cost. With group participation, prices are significantly discounted at
the group rate at Seven Springs Mountain Resort. All required forms must be completed and
submitted with proper payment by the due date listed for that trip.