The course focuses on wellness education with an emphasis on dealing with health issues specific to the teenage years. The objective is to provide current information so students can make healthy choices. Subjects that will be covered include understanding health and wellness, taking charge of your health, achieving mental and emotional health, managing stress and coping with loss, mental and emotional problems, nutrition for health, and physical activity and fitness. Students that complete this course will have a better sense of what it means to achieve overall health and wellness course focuses on wellness education with an emphasis on dealing with Health Issues specific to the teenage years. The objective is to provide current information so students can make Healthy Choices. Activities will include oral and written work, individual and group projects, discussions, periodical evaluations and Internet research. Subjects to be covered include: CPR, Basic Human Anatomy, Maintenance of Body Systems, Infectious and Noninfectious Disease Prevention, Nutrition Education – Weight management, Proper Use of Prescription and Over the Counter Drugs, Diseases Associated with Aging, Understanding Health Insurance and, Health Maintenance Organizations, Substance Abuse.