
The students will gain an in-depth understanding of God’s covenant given and renewed throughout the Old Testament and ultimately fulfilled through Jesus Christ in the New Testament. While journeying with the Israelites through scripture, the students will come to know the history and religion of Judaism and thereby the context of Jesus’ life as a Jew. Special attention will be given to the Pentateuch as the basis for Judaism. It will be noted throughout the course how the people, places and events prefigure Jesus and the Church in the New Testament. Building on the foundation of the Old Testament, the historical and cultural context of the New Testament will be presented. While exploring the four gospels in depth, the students will encounter Jesus Christ as, Priest, Prophet and King; Messiah, Savior and Son of God. The students will come to understand Jesus as the fulfillment of the covenant and the fullness of God’s revelation. The question posed by Jesus Himself is “Who do you say that I am?”

An introduction to Ignatian Spirituality will be incorporated into the freshman religion curriculum in the following three ways:
An overview of the life of St. Ignatius and his founding of the Society of Jesus;
Highlights from the Spiritual Exercises, core themes of Ignatian Spirituality, and Ignatian prayers; and
Weekly practice of the Examen of Consciousness.

No Prerequisite Required.