The primary purpose of the House System is to further the mission of Bishop Canevin by providing Cura Personalis (Greater pastoral care to all students) while strengthening our sense of community. The system will also enable us to proactively develop each student’s leadership skills.
At Bishop Canevin, teachers, staff, and administrators serve as more than academic guides. Involved in the lives of the students, they each take a personal interest in the intellectual, the moral, and the spiritual development of every student. It is their mission to help each student develop a sense of self-worth and become a responsible individual giving back to the greater community.
It is in such direct contact that a young individual’s personal growth and interpersonal relationships are enhanced. In these and other ways, the adult members of the educational community guide students as they develop values leading to life decisions that reach beyond “self-interest” and include a concern for the needs of others.
There are four Houses in the Bishop Canevin House System – each comprised of approximately 60 students from freshman to senior. Students remain in the same House during their entire time at BC. Through all the interaction and House activities during the year, they develop a special identity with that House and the students within it.
Each House will be supervised by a collection of teacher mentors who will be responsible for the overall formation of the House. The House mentors will report to the House Directors as to the health of the House and work to create a strong community within each House.
Friendly competition between the Houses over the year culminates with the winning House being awarded “The Crusader Cup.” Houses will be awarded points in four categories: academics, conduct, service, and competition.